Uniforms are available from the online store at a cost of:
Shorts $40 and Singlets $50 or $85 for the set.
Socks & basketballs are also available.
DIRECT Uniform sales will be held at Mentone Girls Secondary College on January 20th from 10am-1pm
Please make sure your Team Manager provides you with the singlet numbers of your team mates before purchasing a new singlet. This ensures there is no double up of singlet numbers.
For any uniform queries please email the uniform co-ordinator at uniforms@sharksbasketballclub.org.au
Clash singlets
When a Sharks team plays another Sharks team, one of the teams must wear the white clash singlets provided by the club located in the foyer at Tulip Street. Clash singlets are also available at satellite venues by asking at the front entrance.
The standard rule is the first named team on the fixture wears clash singlets although this is open to negotiation amongst the teams☺ We recommend, for fairness, to rotate who wears the singlets.
At Tulip Street please place any used singlets in the labelled drawers for cleaning.