NOTICE OF AGM for 2021
Beaumaris Basketball Club Inc.
Notice 22nd Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 6th April, 2022 at 7.00pm.
Online Zoom meeting
Use this Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 946 3494 1240 Passcode: 05ryet
Sharks Parents, Coaches and Team Managers are invited and encouraged to attend our Annual General Meeting to have your say in how your club is run.
Members are encouraged to contribute by joining the Board or casting their vote at the AGM.
The following positions are declared open at this AGM:
General Committee member positions (x2).
The ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting shall include electing directors of the Club under Section 24 of the Club’s Constitution.
Election of Directors
(1) Nominations of candidates for election as Directors of the Club must be:
(a) made in writing, signed by two members of the club and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate (which may be endorsed on the form of nomination); and
(b) delivered to the Secretary of the Club not less than seven (7) days before the date fixed for the holding of the Annual General Meeting.
(2) A candidate may only be nominated for one position prior to the Annual General Meeting.
(3) If no nomination is received for any vacancy, nominations may be called for at the meeting.
(4) If only one nomination is received for any vacancy to be filled, the candidate nominated shall be deemed elected.
(5) If the numbers of nominations for any vacancy exceeds one, a ballot shall be held. If a person nominated for a position as a Director is defeated in that election, they may be nominated at the Annual General Meeting for any position that is at that time not determined.
(6) The ballot for the election of Directors must be conducted at the Annual General Meeting in such manner as the Board directs.
For a nomination form please contact the Secretary at and submit the completed form seven (7) days prior to the AGM.
How to vote
In line with our Constitution, a parent or guardian of a playing, paid up member who has not reached the age of 18 at the time of a General Meeting may nominate to the Secretary in writing prior to the General Meeting that he or she represents the junior playing member and that the parent or guardian will become a member with full voting rights for the Annual General Meeting. One vote per child is allocated.
To nominate simply provide your name, your child’s name (and current team) to the Secretary at seven (7) days prior to the AGM.
You must attend the AGM to vote (no proxies are accepted under the Constitution)
We need volunteers!!
This is our annual call out for club volunteers.
Our Club continues to thrive and we are always looking for assistance. We would appreciate volunteers to help with a range of positions including:
- Committee members
- Uniform manager and/or age group coordination
- Training venue co-ordination.
For nomination forms and position descriptions can be provided upon request by emailing the Secretary at
Looking forward to seeing you online,
Fiona Love
Sharks Secretary
0417 532 797